1-Day Workshops

We have developed a number of short format workshops so that communities can empower themselves by healing and resolving issues that are currently impacting them. Our short format 1-day workshops include the following;

Resilience Workshop

Resilience is important for many reasons; it helps us develop ways for protection against different issues that can sometimes feel overwhelming. 

With guidance and practice we can develop and strengthen our resilience. With the right amount of resilience, we can continue with everyday tasks, remain balanced and able to rebound quickly from hard times.

In our 1-day Resilience Workshop we explore what resilience is and how we can build it in our own lives.

Grief Workshop

In our 1-day Grief Workshop we explore Mibbinbah’s Grief Model and the 7 Stages of Grief: 

Anger Workshop

Feelings of anger or frustration need to be managed carefully so communication and relationships don’t get damaged. Anger is not usually a good response to problems, even if it seems helpful in the short term. 

In Mibbinbah’s 1-day Anger Workshop participants are encouraged to explore anger and get a clear understanding of;

In the workshop we work out some strategies to managing anger and for also staying safe.

Healthy Boundaries Workshop

As people who work with people, we know the importance of relationships. We also know that healthy relationships depend upon clear and respectful boundaries. At Mibbinbah, we believe setting boundaries is a big part of establishing yours and our identity. It is also important for yours and our social and emotional wellbeing. 

In our 1-day Healthy Boundaries Workshop we explore how to establish Healthy Boundaries. We will explore what drains you, and what we can change. 

Family Life Workshop

Mibbinbah provides violence support services to assist with education and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males, women and their children affected by domestic and family violence. 

Mibbinbah’s 1-day Family Life workshop facilitates open dialogue around leadership and issues such as: battering, sexual assault, fighting and bullying. The program strives to challenge participants to understand and embrace the necessity of their action as leaders and proactive bystanders when faced with violent situations. This highly interactive workshop aims to develop concrete options for participants to employ during a range of social situations - from the rather harmless-seeming to actual violence.

We work with the victims and perpetrators of family and domestic violence to maximize safety through the development of personal safety plans and support their journeys of healing and empowerment.